The convenience of automatic reminders

The convenience of automatic reminders

The convenience of automatic reminders Secusoft B.V. software for security officers

Written by:
, 4 March 2024

Nowadays, you are only congratulated on your birthday when people see the moment on Facebook. Almost no one uses a physical calendar anymore, just digital ones, and automatic reminders simply help us to be more attentive and not to forget important dates regarding appointments and agreements with business relations. This is no different for entrepreneurs in the security industry.

A friendly reminder from your scheduling software

That is why we have built a handy reminder function in Secusoft. It works to your advantage in various areas, such as taking timely action when a contract with a client is about to expire. You can set your own reminder moments per client or customer in our software. Think, for example, of the renewal date of an agreement or the end date of an assignment. You will then receive 4 x a notification by e-mail about this:

  • You will receive the first reminder 6 weeks in advance
  • The next reminder will come 1 week in advance
  • You will be reminded again 1 day in advance
  • Finally, you will receive an e-mail on the day itself
This makes forgetting something almost more difficult than remembering, right?

Never forget a birthday, expiration date of a security pass or contract dates with Secusoft
It is possible to set different reminders for your employees in our software. When you have entered the date of birth of an employee, you will receive a reminder for the birthday. You will receive this 3x by e-mail:
- One week in advance
- One day in advance
- On the day itself

You also have the space to set 10 reminder moments per employee yourself. For example, for the end of the employment contract/contract or expiration date of diplomas or certificates such as first aid, VCA or BHV.

Passports, ID cards and security passes
If you fill in the `Valid until` date of the employee's passport, ID card or security passes, you will receive a reminder when it is about to expire. You will also receive this 4 times by email.

This way you automatically have a timely reminder of the important dates of your security company!
And do you want to receive a reminder earlier, so more than 6 weeks before the date? Then you can adjust the date yourself. If necessary, you can put the actual expiration date in the description.

Test Secusoft security software for 14 days for free

Are you curious about how our software works? Or do you want to know what other functions Secusoft contains for faster and more efficient planning, registration, reporting and invoicing? Then look here, or create a test account.

We can help you via TeamViewer
Would you rather test with guidance? That is also possible. Call us for a TeamViewer tour!

+31 85-1300760

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