Has the till been counted, and if so, what was the balance? This can easily be entered, as well as the name of the employee and of course that of the security guard of your company.
The cash balance and name transfer are noted in the service report, and you can check whether the checklist has been completed. This is especially important for (night) porter services in hotels. The object/client is automatically selected if there is a service for you in the schedule for this client and day/time.
Prevent these important parts from being forgotten and make use of this report especially for night porters and reception services at hotels when handing over a reception.
`White label` is possible
You can click on your logo on the printable version. Your company details and logo will then disappear, allowing you to save the report as a `white label`. This is useful if you are hired by another security company and are not allowed to work under your own name.
Advantages of the Front desk service report:
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