HRM/POL Reports

Human Resources Management (HRM) Reports

In the Secusoft software it is possible to save reports of:

  • Assessment interviews / performance interviews with employees
  • Registering complaints
  • Capturing the compliments of the customers
  • All other conversations with employees or clients

With the implementation of the Work in Balance Act (WAB), reporting and file structure on the performance of employees is even more important. The extensive module of HRM/POL Reports in Secusoft offers ample possibilities for this.
Make sure you set the correct rights to be able to use the HRM/POL reports module.

Advantages of HRM reports:

  • The reports can be emailed directly to the employee and client
  • Up to 20 photos or files can be added per report
  • There is a selection field for which type of report you need with corresponding text fields
  • Importance of keeping personnel files in connection with WAB

Practical Training (POL) Reports

We have developed the POL Report especially for security companies that train people. This is a report that the practical trainer completes during the visit to the security guard in training with clear print-ready information.
The POL Report saves a lot of (paper) hassle, and therefore also time, for the counselor (s) within your company!

Advantages of POL Report:

  • POL report offers space for agreements, deadlines (whether or not met), competences and skills
  • Designed for the assessment and certification body (s)
  • Print-ready information about the student's progress
  • Recording the first and second assessment for practical subjects
  • Recording the progress of the workbook

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API connection with Google Calendar! - Secusoft B.V. software for security officers

API connection with Google Calendar!

19 March 2024 - Secusoft has built an API link that automatically puts your security services in your Google Calendar. This is especially useful for security guards who work for different security companies. They no... read more »

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The convenience of automatic reminders

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