In Secusoft we no longer work with carbon blister cards or with folders full of instructions. Here you have all the information and necessities for carrying out your work in one place. We also keep the driving list for mobile surveillance simple, with the number of tasks to be performed clearly arranged.
The tasks must all be added separately, indicating whether it concerns a one-time or a recurring task. Have you added all tasks, such as closing guidance, inspection rounds outside or inside, and fire and closing rounds? Then you simply put it in a route list (template) for the mobile security guard.
There is room for points for attention and action points for each task. For example, if you indicate that a report must be drawn up, a link will be added immediately so that the security officer ends up on the correct page with one click. Our main goal is to work quickly and efficiently.
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19 March 2024 - Secusoft has built an API link that automatically puts your security services in your Google Calendar. This is especially useful for security guards who work for different security companies. They no... read more »
4 March 2024 - Nowadays, you are only congratulated on your birthday when people see the moment on Facebook. Almost no one uses a physical calendar anymore, just digital ones, and automatic reminders simply help us... read more »