Mobile surveillance templates

The mobile surveillance templates are the fixed route lists, or driving lists, with check points that the employees of the mobile surveillance must visit during their shift. The coordinator can use the previously added tasks here. Because there is a time or time indication for each task, the route list is displayed in chronological order.

Mobile surveillance templates prevent tasks from confusingly confused, and provide guidance during shifts that are performed more often. It is easy to indicate for each template on which days it should be driven.

It is also possible to link a company car to the driving list, and a link can be made with a specific service using the timetable. The advantage of this is that when the mobile surveillance employee logs in during that shift, he or she automatically receives the correct template.

The advantages:

  • All tasks for the mobile security guard at a glance
  • Direct link with the grid possible
  • Days of the week can be ticked
  • Time or indication can be specified per task

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