Online schedule and scheduling program for security

Secusoft makes personnel planning for your security company easy and transparent! You can put shifts in the online schedule and plan ahead. It is immediately clear which services still need to be filled in and you can search the timetable by keyword, date, name of security guard, classification or customer.

Automatic calculation of irregularity allowances
The irregularity allowance (ORT) in the security sector is a complex matter. Secusoft's scheduling program makes life easier for a security planner. We deliver every account with the basic rules that apply and this can be adjusted completely by yourself. Evening supplement, night supplement, weekend supplement and public holiday supplement are automatically calculated. Secusoft looks at the type of contract of the employee.

Automatic calculation of kilometers and travel costs
Secusoft automatically calculates the travel costs and the number of kilometers between the assignment and the employee on the basis of an API link with the TriOpSys travel costs program as prescribed by the CAO, or the GoogleMaps API can be used for the travel distance. The travel costs and travel distance will appear in the overview that you can send to the payroll administration. Go to the page information about travel expenses.

So many people, so many wishes
Some find it more convenient to see the schedule by employee / date, others prefer to sort the schedule by client. Choose which of our 3 layouts suits you best! Other settings are also possible, such as the height of the blocks in your timetable and other preferences such as showing only the rostered employees.

Release schedule
You can provide limited insight into the timetable. If you have not yet closed the planning for the next period, it is useful that your security guards cannot see this yet. That saves a lot of confusion! Only when you have completed the planning for the period, do you release it and send a message to the security guards via Secusoft. The timetable is always online and will be changed due to security not included in an email or attachment.

More benefits of Secusoft's planning program:

  • Automatic calculation of surcharges
  • Automatic calculation of kilometers
  • Automatic calculation of travel costs
  • Colors can be set per employee and per client
  • Release / publish timetable whenever you want
  • Send notification about schedule changes
  • Overviews in periods, months, weeks
  • Overviews of hours per employee, per client, assignment and event
  • Overview of the holidays

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API connection with Google Calendar! - Secusoft B.V. software for security officers

API connection with Google Calendar!

19 March 2024 - Secusoft has built an API link that automatically puts your security services in your Google Calendar. This is especially useful for security guards who work for different security companies. They no... read more »

The convenience of automatic reminders - Secusoft B.V. software for security officers

The convenience of automatic reminders

4 March 2024 - Nowadays, you are only congratulated on your birthday when people see the moment on Facebook. Almost no one uses a physical calendar anymore, just digital ones, and automatic reminders simply help us... read more »

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