At Secusoft you can only create an account with a strong password. This means that it must contain at least one uppercase letter, one character, one number, and regular letters, plus it must contain a minimum number of characters. This guarantees the security of your back office in Secusoft.
Encrypted (irreversible)
All passwords are stored encrypted in our database. This encryption is irreversible, which means that even we cannot retrieve your password, even if we wanted to. That is also the reason that you can never receive your old password. Have you forgotten your password? Then you will get a link to reset it.
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19 March 2024 - Secusoft has built an API link that automatically puts your security services in your Google Calendar. This is especially useful for security guards who work for different security companies. They no... read more »
4 March 2024 - Nowadays, you are only congratulated on your birthday when people see the moment on Facebook. Almost no one uses a physical calendar anymore, just digital ones, and automatic reminders simply help us... read more »