SSL certificate ensures secure connection

SSL certificate ensures secure connection Secusoft B.V. software for security officers

Of course you want the users of your back office system, the employees, to be able to log in and work through a secure connection. We take care of that.

In professional jargon, such a secure connection is called `HTTPS`. This stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure. This secure connection is realized with an SSL certificate, which we close for you when you become a customer at Secusoft. The costs for this have already been calculated in the one-time set-up costs of € 100.00 excl. VAT. For that amount we also register an internet domain for your login environment ("").

Data is sent encrypted
The SSL certificate ensures that all data that the visitor enters on the Secusoft server via his or her smartphone, tablet or computer is sent `encrypted`. These cannot be read or intercepted by an outsider. If a website does not have this certificate, visitors will receive a security warning from Google. They can then only log in via a complicated detour.

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API connection with Google Calendar! - Secusoft B.V. software for security officers

API connection with Google Calendar!

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The convenience of automatic reminders

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