Secusoft continuously makes the use easier and clearer for its users. Several options are available in Secusoft software for a correct time registration of the shifts worked:
Time registration by Log in and Log out
Time registration via a digitally signed timesheet
Time registration with QR codes
Time registration via NFC tags
It is possible for employees to register “Start shift” and “End shift” via the Secusoft App or the mobile browser. In addition to the time of day, the GPS location is also saved. This prevents discussions with clients and employees and thus creates clarity for everyone.
Advantages of the time registration / time registration through Registration and Deregistration:
In Secusoft it is possible to have the worked service digitally signed by the client on the smartphone of the security guard. This can be done via the Secusoft app or the mobile browser.
At the end of each shift, you open the Secusoft App on your mobile and the client you worked for, digitally places his signature with which he approves both your presence and the start and end time of your shift.
The digital approval is stored in the Secusoft planning system at the relevant service, so that the planner can see this.
Advantages of time registration via a digitally signed timesheet:
With the QR / NFC module you can generate a QR code with your logo above it in Secusoft with a few clicks. You can print this QR code yourself and laminate it if necessary. With a self-adhesive Sticky Bag laminating pouch you can stick it anywhere.
As soon as the employee scans the QR code with his / her smartphone, the time and GPS location are immediately registered (after logging in), linked to the employee and client
Advantages of time registration with QR codes:
With Secusoft you can set and program NFC tags. The security staff can read the NFC transponder at the client's location, after which the smartphone connects to Secusoft. Data such as time, GPS location and transponder ID are directly stored on the server. This makes it possible to keep an exact record of the times and hours worked and, for example, to register the exact arrival and departure times during surveillance and control rounds.
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