We are alert to DDoS attacks

We are alert to DDoS attacks Secusoft B.V. software for security officers

Securing a website is similar to securing an object or person. For example, at Secusoft, even after our working period as a security officer, we are still working on securing. But now online. After the intense amount of DDoS attacks on Dutch authorities recently, cyber alertness is more important than ever.

You wake up at night, jump out of bed, an attack is going on. You can keep your pajamas on, you don't have to go outside to ward off this attack. But you have to be sharp. We are on standby every day and are alert to DDoS attacks, such as a number of national banks that experienced the last weekend of January 2018.

Attackers have certainly tried to attack our servers at some point. Unfortunately for them, we have at least as much cyber knowledge (and more) in-house and we can excellently resist such attacks.

Under the heading `Security` you can read what we do to ensure the safety of our users.

The Internet is our great friend, but because this `friend` plays an increasingly important role in our lives, and our online life increasingly reflects our life offline, this friendship also makes us vulnerable. Therefore, make sure that you are protected online.

  • Install a good virus scanner
  • Have your website properly secured
  • Use strong passwords

Your data safe with Secusoft
We understand that you as the owner of a security company have secret and sensitive information and we take our responsibility in this. Secusoft runs on High-Tech servers with 24/7 monitoring and hardware firewalls, which are located in a highly secured data center in the Netherlands.

You see: online and offline security reinforce each other. That is why Secusoft is the best partner for your company!

Also choose Secusoft and arrange your planning, time registration, reporting, invoicing, communication and more securely in one system.

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Would you like to see more? Go to the page Safety.

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